The Head of the New Capital City (IKN) Nusantara Bambang Susantono conducted a meeting with the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Jakarta on 1st June who revealed his readiness to aid the development process of IKN, one of which is promoting the potential of IKN to the international market... [read more]
The Finance Ministry has reported that tax revenue rose 51.49% (yoy) to Rp567.69 trillion as of April 2022. That accounted for 44.88% of this year's tax revenue target. "Tax revenue remained strong as of April, mainly because April is the period of tax return submission," finance minister Sri Mulyan... [read more]
The Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) has estimated that this year’s inflation will be slightly higher than 4%, in line with the targeted inflation of 3% plus-minus 1%. In its Board of Governor Meeting, BI also decided to set the BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate (BI-7DRRR) at 3.50%, the deposit facility rate... [read more]
The Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi stated that the government is planning to develop 10 rest areas along the Jakarta-Semarang Toll Road, Semarang City, Central Java. The government will also prepare a total land area of 100 hectares for the development and provide private entities with... [read more]
PT Hutama Karya through the joint operation (KSO) is working on the development of the Trans Medan – Binjai Railway (KA) in line with the increasing need for public transportation in North Sumatra. Hutama Karya is again trusted to build a railway line, after previously completing several projects of... [read more]
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