The Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that the assumed inflation rate for 2023 as determined in the Macro Economy Framework and Main Fiscal Policies (KEM PPKF) at 2-4% is realistic. Global inflation rate next year is also estimated to be lower than in the current year due to monetary aus... [read more]
The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) recorded May 2022 inflation at 0.40%, resulting in 2022 annual inflation at 2.56% and year to year inflation rate (May 2022 to May 2021) at 3.55%, the highest since 2017 when it was recorded at 3.61%. [read more]
The Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) will develop new infrastructure to support the (KTT) G20 Summit, one of which is the construction of I Gusti Ngurah Rai VVIP Terminal to ease the guest of the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia. The construction of the terminal has been started since 14 mar... [read more]
PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) through its subsidiary, Brantas Energi, plans to develop the floating solar power plant in state owned (BMN) dams. The development comprises Batanghari Solar Power Plant (PLTM) in West Sumatra at the capacity of 5.10 MV (2x17 MW), Tibab PLTM in Bali with the capacity of... [read more]
Damai Putra Group continues to improve its service and design including the development of Kota Harapan Indah Mandiri on a total land area of 2,200 hectares in eastern Jakarta to be an iconic green area. The construction of several facility and the improvement of the facilities have been done to add... [read more]
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