Strategic Consultancy
Strategic Consultancy | KF Map – Digital Map for Property and Infrastructure in Indonesia

  • Sindi S. Adinata
  • Hasan Pamudji


Knight Frank / PT. Willson Properti Advisindo 的房地产咨询部旨在协助业主、开发商、金融家和占用者从房地产中获得最大收益,同时最大限度地降低房地产投资风险。

随着房地产市场的发展和从 1998-1999 年经济危机中逐渐复苏,房地产参与者越来越需要更多混合和集成的房地产解决方案。所提供的咨询服务范围及其目标如下:
  • 市场和可行性研究,推荐最具市场价值和财务可行性的场地开发方案。市场重新定位分析,评估特定项目最合适的定价位置并提供最佳重新定位策略
  • 最高和最佳用途和/或混合用途研究,考虑市场价值和财务可行性,建议场地上最优化的开发组合和规模(即最高和最佳用途)。位置搜索研究,考虑公司的偏好和标准,为企业占用者提供最合适场所的建议。
  • 投资组合策略,为开发商和/或业主提供有关其房地产投资组合的战略建议。根据市场条件和每项房地产的质量,我们的建议可能包括增值、资产管理、快速撤资和/或延迟撤资。
  • 投资尽职调查,为特定房地产资产提供深入的市场和财务绩效评估,并评估其对潜在投资者的财务回报吸引力。
  • 投资交易结构分析,为项目开发商和投资者推荐最可行的交易结构。我们将分析各种类型的交易结构,如合资企业和BOT(建设-运营-转让)计划,以及交易条款和条件对财务回报的影响

Knight Frank has strengthened its Indonesia presence with a collaboration with PT. Willson Properti Advisindo, Indonesia.
There's a human element in the world of property that is too easily overlooked. At Knight Frank we build long-term relationships, which allow us to provide personalised, clear and considered advice on all areas of property in all key markets. We believe personal interaction is a crucial part of ensuring every client is matched to the property that suits their needs best – be it commercial or residential. Operating in locations where our clients need us to be, we provide a worldwide service that’s locally expert and globally connected.
We believe that inspired teams naturally provide excellent and dedicated client service. Therefore, we’ve created a workplace where opinions are respected, where everyone is invited to contribute to the success of our business and where they’re rewarded for excellence.
The result is that our people are more motivated, ensuring your experience with us is the best that it can be.
Knight Frank has strengthened its Indonesian presence with a collaboration with PT. Willson Properti Advisindo, Indonesia. A strong track record of impressive local and regional MNC clients have already been built since its establishment.
Our clients have access to the most up-to-date intelligence on local, national and regional residential and commercial property markets worldwide. This information, coupled with the experience and expertise of Knight Frank's professionals, enable us to help our clients achieve their property aims.
We assist the creators, owners and users of property to enhance the value of their residential and commercial spaces as investments and as effective and attractive places in which to live, work and play.