General Agency
General Agency | KF Map – Digital Map for Property and Infrastructure in Indonesia

  • Hasan Pamudji
  • Frank Tumewa
    General Manager
    (Commercial &
  • Antonius Irawan
  • Tony Sugianto


在 Knight Frank Jakarta,我们的豪华房地产经纪人将帮助您搜索雅加达房地产。从雅加达的独立豪宅到中部和南部社区的独家新公寓。我们销售一些最令人向往的印度尼西亚和国际房产。


利用 Knight Frank 遍布 57 个国家/地区的 488 多个办事处的全球影响力,帮助您购买海外房地产。世界尽在您的掌握之中,如果对当地市场一无所知,开始搜索过程似乎令人生畏。现在利用我们强大的搜索引擎搜索来自新加坡、马来西亚、香港和澳大利亚等热门市场的国际房地产列表。无论您是在寻找低风险的稳定回报房地产,还是在新兴市场寻找高收益房地产,您都可以依靠我们以可靠、专有研究为后盾的房地产专业知识来指导您的购买决策。


我们知道,在选择房地产经纪人时,您希望确信您拥有最优秀的团队为您服务。毕竟,出售您的房屋可能会改变您的一生。在 Knight Frank,我们确保您的房地产销售在每一步都得到谨慎、谨慎和专业的处理。我们会花时间了解是什么让您的房子和它的位置如此特别,以便我们能够找到与您一样喜欢它的合适买家。这就是客户一次又一次回到我们这里的原因。




在 Knight Frank,我们从事创新解决方案的交易,在印度尼西亚的每个主要工业市场提供营销和租赁策略、开发咨询和投资建议。

Knight Frank has strengthened its Indonesia presence with a collaboration with PT. Willson Properti Advisindo, Indonesia.
There's a human element in the world of property that is too easily overlooked. At Knight Frank we build long-term relationships, which allow us to provide personalised, clear and considered advice on all areas of property in all key markets. We believe personal interaction is a crucial part of ensuring every client is matched to the property that suits their needs best – be it commercial or residential. Operating in locations where our clients need us to be, we provide a worldwide service that’s locally expert and globally connected.
We believe that inspired teams naturally provide excellent and dedicated client service. Therefore, we’ve created a workplace where opinions are respected, where everyone is invited to contribute to the success of our business and where they’re rewarded for excellence.
The result is that our people are more motivated, ensuring your experience with us is the best that it can be.
Knight Frank has strengthened its Indonesian presence with a collaboration with PT. Willson Properti Advisindo, Indonesia. A strong track record of impressive local and regional MNC clients have already been built since its establishment.
Our clients have access to the most up-to-date intelligence on local, national and regional residential and commercial property markets worldwide. This information, coupled with the experience and expertise of Knight Frank's professionals, enable us to help our clients achieve their property aims.
We assist the creators, owners and users of property to enhance the value of their residential and commercial spaces as investments and as effective and attractive places in which to live, work and play.