KEK Maloy Batuta Trans-Kalimantan, 经济特区 | We provide Indonesia infrastructure map on various property sectors and data. Access property listings, infrastructure developments, news, and valuable transaction data for informed decisions. KEK Maloy Batuta Trans-Kalimantan, 经济特区 | We provide Indonesia infrastructure map on various property sectors and data. Access property listings, infrastructure developments, news, and valuable transaction data for informed decisions. KEK Maloy Batuta Trans-Kalimantan, 经济特区 | We provide Indonesia infrastructure map on various property sectors and data. Access property listings, infrastructure developments, news, and valuable transaction data for informed decisions. KEK Maloy Batuta Trans-Kalimantan, 经济特区 | We provide Indonesia infrastructure map on various property sectors and data. Access property listings, infrastructure developments, news, and valuable transaction data for informed decisions.
KEK Maloy Batuta Trans-Kalimantan
项目名称 KEK Maloy Batuta Trans-Kalimantan
开发商名称 PT. Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan
完成年份 2014
土地储备总额(公顷) N/A
第一产业 Palm oil, lumber, logistics
城市 East Kutai
East Kalimantan
人口 468.820 in Kabupaten Kutai Timur (2022)
人口密度 15/km2
地区最低工资(UMR) IDR 3.356.109 in Kabupaten Kutai Timur (2023)