Global Investment Hot Spots
星期四, 25 三月 2021
Global Investment Hot Spots | KF Map – Digital Map for Property and Infrastructure in Indonesia

The title of this whitepaper positively refers to us all ‘Coming out of lockdown’, and we’ll bring you ‘on-the-ground’ regional updates from Asia Pacific, Europe and the USA.

Each update highlights current market conditions, the pushes and pulls driving international investor activity and our thoughts for the coming months as lockdown restrictions ease further.

We’ve been through an extraordinary year, with Covid-19 changing the way we’ve been able to live and work to varying degrees right around the world. We have seen an unrivalled series of economic restrictions across the globe, supported with unparalleled fiscal an monetary support. This has pushed bond yields to record lows with $18tn of negative yielding bonds globally, just as equity markets have seen massive amounts of volatility.

Commercial real estate has not remained immune to the pressures of the pandemic, which has served to accelerate structural changes that we were already seeing, underpinned by demographics and technology. However, in an uncertain environment of volatile equity markets and $18tn worth of negative yielding bonds, the case for the right sort of real estate remains persuasive.
