The Government's Big Plan Behind The 'Clearance' of Sultan Hotel | KF Map – Digital Map for Property and Infrastructure in Indonesia
The Government's Big Plan Behind The 'Clearance' of Sultan Hotel
星期一, 9 十月 2023

The government has prepared a master plan for the development of Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) area following the clearing of Sultan Hotel on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. Previously, the GBK management, accompanied by the police, issued an official warning to PT Indobuildco, a company owned by Pontjo Sutowo, to vacate Hotel Sultan. The management posted a warning banner indicating that the property is owned by the state in the hotel area on Wednesday morning. Rakhmadi A. Kusumo, CEO of Gelora Bung Karno Complex Management Center (PPKGBK), revealed that the land on which the hotel is built, in Block 15 of GBK area, will be developed into open space for the public.
