The government has planned several developments of public transportation facilities in the new capital city, Nusantara which has been planned to fulfill 80% of its public mobility through public transportation. This is regulated in the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 64 Year 2022 regarding... [read more]
The Yogyakarta Tourism Agency is preparing an alternative electric scooter (otoped) lane for tourism in Kotabaru Area, in line with the development plan as a cultural tourism destination. The otoped renting service in the cultural heritage area is believed to attract tourists to the destination as i... [read more]
Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) reported the April 2022 inflation at 0.95% with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reaching 109.98. The 2022 annual inflation recorded at 2.15% with year on year inflation (April 2022 to April 2022) recorded at 3.47%. [read more]
Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserve in April 2022 was recorded at US$135.7 billion or declining US$3.4 billion from the previous month. The April 2022 reserve declined from US$139.1 billion in March 2022. [read more]
Singapore Airlines (SIA) has reactivated its commercial flights of Singapore-Medan (KNO) route starting on 10 May 2022. This step is also followed with consistent products and services and better connectivity for its customers in the SIA network. SIA will operate two flights weekly. [read more]
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