The Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) recorded the money in circulation or money supply (M2) reached Rp7,854.8 trillion or 12.1% higher annually (year-on-year/yoy) in May 2022. This growth was slower compared to the previous month when it was recorded at 13.6% yoy. [read more]
The Fitch Ratings Agency is confident that Indonesia will achieve less than 3% of Gross Domestic Product fiscal deficit (GDP) in 2023. This estimation is supported by the decline of fiscal deficit this year at 4.3% of GDP or 4.6% less than in 2021. Furthermore, Fitch also stated that government debt... [read more]
Ministry of Public Works and Housing accelerates construction of a number of infrastructure and facilities in several regencies in Indonesia to organize G20 Summit 2022. The Ministry sets all construction and projects for this event to be completed in August 2022 at the latest. It is also instructed... [read more]
Launched by Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi on 20 May 2022, the autonomous vehicle has transported thousands of passengers. Future passengers are willing to stand in line to experience different sensation of riding in QBig BSD City, as revealed by Chief Digital Tech Ecosystem & Develop... [read more]
There is a chance that the government may extend luxury tax (PPnBM) for vehicles and value-added tax (VAT) for property. The tax incentive extension is possibly made real if there’s enough budget left for tax subsidies in the fourth quarter. In a recent working meeting between the government and the... [read more]
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